Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saidia Zanzibar

Saidia Zanzibar

On 10 September 2011, the ferry M.V. Spice Islander, travelling between Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Pemba and Tanga, capsized in deep waters in the Pemba Channel, north of Zanzibar Island. A number of long-standing, respected business and government leaders in Zanzibar have established an organization called Saidia Zanzibar to collect and channel donations for those affected by the sinking.
M.V. Spice Islander sinking The exact number of fatalities is still not known, and it is acknowledged that there were many more passengers than the 610 listed on the ship manifest.

So far, over 200 have been confirmed dead, and many are still missing. The impact of this tremendous loss of life is profound. Families have lost their primary income earner, children have become orphans - these people need your help.
The fundraising effort is being overseen by the Saidia Zanzibar committee, who are dedicated to supporting the relief efforts and ensuring that the money reaches its intended purpose. The fundraising account is audited, open to public scrutiny upon request, and the account is co-signed by five members of the Zanzibari business community.

Donations will be used to provide Emergency Relief & Family Support, as well as long-term support to those most affected. To learn more about how your donation will help, Click Here.
The name Tanzania and the Tanzania Flag both symbolize unity. It’s time to express that unity and support our brothers and sisters in need.
Tanzania Flag Zanzibar Tragedy

Please help, no donation is too small, and Saidia Zanzibar provides 3 convenient ways to donate:

Bank Deposit to SaidiaZanzibar Account > Click Here for details

ZPesa: The Zpesa Account is saidia. Donations via ZPesa will be directed straight into the Saidia Zanzibar relief account.

Clothing & Sheets: May be dropped off at the ZATI Office, 1st Floor, Cine Afrique, Malindi, Stone Town, Zanzibar between 9am and 5pm only. [no cash donations at the office please]

For further details, visit the website >

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