Friday, October 3, 2008


Fiesta 2008:Mashabiki wa Tanga kujiachia kesho
Lile tamasha kubwa la burudani, linalowakutanisha mastaa kibao wa muziki wa Kizazi Kipya, linalokwenda kwa jina la Fiesta linaloandaliwa na Prime Time Promotion, limerejea tena ambapo shoo ya ufunguzi itafanyika kesho, Oktoba 4, 2008 jijini Tanga katika Uwanja wa Mkwakwani.

Akichonga na kona hii katikati ya wiki Mratibu wa shoo hiyo Hamis Mandi a.k.a B 12, amesema shoo ya mwaka huu si ya kitoto na kwamba Tanga wajiandae kupata burudani ya ukweli kutoka kwa wakali wa Bongo Fleva.

“Ebwana shoo ya mwaka ina maandalizi ya kutoka mtu wangu, yaani ninachoweza kusema ni kwamba mashabiki wajitokeze kwa wingi hapo kesho, maana kutakuwa na mawe ya maana mzazi...” alisema B 12.

B 12 alisema wameamua kufanya shoo ya ufunguzi jijini humo kwasababu mwaka jana, Tanga ndiyo mkoa ulioongoza kufurika maashabiki wengi zaidi kuliko sehemu nyingine.

“Mwaka jana kulikuwa na nyomi si ya kitoto, na hii ndiyo sababu tukaamua kuanza nao mwaka huu. Tunafanya hivyo kama zawadi kwako namara zote huwa tunafanya shoo ya ufunguzi katika mwaka unaofuata mahali ambapo mwaka jana mashabiki walihudhuria wengi zaidi,” alisema B 12.

“Kila wakati huwa tunafanya kweli lakini mwaka huu tumedhamiria kufanya zaidi ya ukweli, tunachoweza kusema sisi kama Prime Time Promotion ni kwamba kiu za mashabiki zitakatika, yaai watafurahia sana shoo ya mwaka huu,” alisema.

Wakali watakaoonyesha cheche kesho ni pamoja na Profesa Jay, Ay, Ray C, QJ, Q Chief, Dully Skyes, Matonya, Wanaume Halisi, Wanaume TMK, Mwasiti, Marlow, Chid Benz, Mangwea, Jose Cameleon, Nyota Ndogo na wengineo.

Wakati mwaka jana kauli mbiu ilikuwa Boda 2 Boda, mwaka huu washkaji wamekuja na JIRAMBE, kwanini wamesema hivyo? Huyu hapa B 12 anafafanua; “Kaka chochote cheye utamu lazima ujirambe, kwahiyo makamuzi ya mwaka si ya kitoto kiasi kwamba lazima mashabiki watajiramba, ndiyo maana tukatumia kauli mbiu hii.”

Jay Dee ndani ya Kora tena!
Kwa mara nyingine tena Mwanamuziki nyota wa Bongo Fleva Judith Wambura a.k.a Lady Jay Dee, amepata shavu la kwenda kuiwakilisha Bongo katika kinyang’anyiro cha Tuzo za Kora zitakazofanyika Disemba mwaka huu, Tanapa, Nigeria.

Katika tuzo hizo Jay Dee anashindanishwa katika category ya kuwania Tuzo ya Mwanamuziki Bora kutoka Afrika Mashariki kupitia kibao chake kikali kinachokwenda kwa jina la Shukrani.

Katika category hiyo Jay Dee au Komando atachuana vikali na wasanii wengine kutoka Afrika Mashariki ambao ni Nameless, Valerie Kimani na Wahu kutoka Kenya na Klear Kut, Michael Ross na Blu 3 wa Uganda.

kama Jay Dee atajinyakulia tuzo hiyo, atakuwa na uhakika wa kuchota kiasi cha dola milioni moja za Kimarekani ambazo kwa pesa ya madafu ni sawa na shilingi bilioni moja. Kazi kwako Bi dada, utuletee ushindi huo nyumbani.
Janet:Sasa nipo shwaari kabisa!
Mwimbaji machachari katika Bendi ya African Stars ‘Twanga Pepeta’ Janet Isinike, amesema kwamba kwa sasa hali yake ni shwari kabisa baada ya kutokuonekana jukwaani kwa majuma kadhaa kutokana na matatizo ya kufanyiwa upasuaji wa uvimbe uliyokuwa ukimsumbua kwa muda mrefu. Rhobi Chacha anakupa ishu kamili.

Katika mahojiano maalum na ShowBiz wiki iliyopita, Janeth alisema anamshukuru Mungu baada ya afya yake kutengemaa na amshabiki wake wakae mkao wa kuburudishwa na sauti yake ambayo alidai kwamba anaiamini.

“Nina furaha kubwa sana kupanda jukwaani kwani kwasasa ni mzima wa afya njema na matarajio yangu ni kuongeza bidii zaidi na ninachoweza kuwahakikishia mashabiki wangu ni kwamba wajiandae kupata vitu vya uhakika kutoka kwangu,” alisema.

Aidha alisema kuwa, kukaa kwake kwa muda mrefu bila ya kupanda jukwaani kumempa akili ya kutunga wimbo mpya ambao utatambulishwa hivi karibuni ikiwa ni zawadi kwa mashabiki wote wa Twanga Pepeta.

Fainali za kumsaka mkali wa rapu zapamba moto!
Shindano la kumsaka mkali wa rapu katika muziki wa Dansi, limefikia patamu baada ya waandaaji wa mtanange huo kutangaza siku ya fainali na zawadi za ya mshindi wa kwanza. Issa Mnnaly anashuka nayo.

Mmoja wa waratibu wa shindano hilo anayekwenda kwa jina la Emanuel Likunda aliliambia Ijumaa kwamba fainali za mchuano huo zitafanyika Ijumaa, Oktoba 10, 2008 katika Ukumbi wa Diamond Jubilee na kwamba zawadi ya mshindi wa kwanza ni gari aina ya Toyota RAV 4.

“Tunaamini ili burudani yoyote iwe nzuri ni lazima kuwe na mashindano, kadhalika ili shindano liwe zuri ni vyema kukawekwa zawadi nzuri, hii ndiyo sababu iliyotufanya tuamue kutoa zwadi ya gari RAV 4 kwa ajili ya kuwapa motisha marapa wa bendi zetu,” alisema Likunda.

Katika fainali hizo, marapa watakaotoana jasho ni pamoja na Kalala Junior, Khalid Chokoraa (African Stars Band, pichani juu) Papii Katalog, Seven na Toto Kalala (FM Academia) Greyson Semsekwa na Juakali (T. Respect) na Kanal Top wa Akudo Impact.


Anonymous said...

DUU!!! kweli Ray C, umependeza sana sana na hizo nywele, msusi wako ametulia mnooo !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Abdallwa!!\
Yangu sio commets ila ni mada

Mie ni mdau wa hii blog kwa kwa haya mambo ya chakula na Afya
Nakuongezea hio ili wale wenye intrest ya kuwatch afya zao wa pate cha kuongezea.

Kama inafaa naomba tafsiri ,edit na wawekee watu

anti-aging super foods by EatingWell Magazine, on Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:53am PDT Read More from This Author » 64 Comments Post a Comment Report Abuse

Chocolate & Nut Butter Bites
A few weeks ago I was using my flat iron and when I looked in the mirror to admire my ’do, I discovered my first gray hair (gasp!). It was the first time I was visibly confronted with the reality that, surprise, I will age, and I’m not 18 anymore no matter how good I feel.

I already have the exercise part down, so on my quest for a fountain of youth I’m paying more attention to research on how to eat to age healthfully. The best information I’ve found? 7 anti-aging super foods and recipes to enjoy them in, from Peter Jaret’s James Beard Foundation award-winning article in EatingWell Magazine, “The Search for the Anti-Aging Diet.”

Read on to find out more about the 7 foods to keep you young:

The Kuna people of the San Blas islands, off the coast of Panama, have a rate of heart disease that is nine times less than that of mainland Panamanians. The reason? The Kuna drink plenty of a beverage made with generous proportions of cocoa, which is unusually rich in flavanols that help preserve the healthy function of blood vessels. Maintaining youthful blood vessels lowers risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.

Get sweet satisfaction in seconds with delicious chocolate recipes, such as Chocolate & Nut Butter Bites (which include two of the 7 anti-aging super foods!):

Chocolate & Nut Butter Bites

8 1/4-ounce squares of bittersweet chocolate
4 teaspoons almond, cashew or pistachio butter

Top each chocolate square with 1/2 teaspoon nut butter of your choice (almond, cashew, pistachio). Two sandwiches make one serving.

Per serving: 79 calories; 6 g fat (2 g sat, 1 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 9 g carbohydrate; 1 g protein; 1 g fiber; 12 mg sodium; 20 mg potassium. What you get: Magnesium, copper, chromium. 1/2 Carbohydrate Serving. Exchanges: 1/2 other carbohydrate, 1 fat.

In a landmark study published in 1999, researchers at Tufts University’s Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging fed rats blueberry extract for a period of time that in “rat lives” is equivalent to 10 human years. These rats outperformed rats fed regular chow on tests of balance and coordination when they reached old age. Compounds in blueberries (and other berries) mitigate inflammation and oxidative damage, which are associated with age-related deficits in memory and motor function. Eat more blueberries with healthy blueberry recipes.

Thirty years ago, researchers began to study why the native Inuits of Alaska were remarkably free of heart disease. The reason, scientists now think, is the extraordinary amount of fish they consume. Fish is an abundant source of omega-3 fats, which help prevent cholesterol buildup in arteries and protect against abnormal heart rhythms. Eat some tonight with a healthy fish recipe.

Studies of Seventh-Day Adventists (a religious denomination that emphasizes healthy living and a vegetarian diet) show that those who eat nuts gain, on average, an extra two and a half years. Nuts are rich sources of unsaturated fats, so they offer benefits similar to those associated with olive oil. They’re also concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals, including antioxidants.

Drinking alcohol in moderation protects against heart disease, diabetes and age-related memory loss. Any kind of alcoholic beverage seems to provide such benefits, but red wine has been the focus of much of the research. Red wine contains resveratrol, a compound that likely contributes to its benefits-and, according to animal studies, may activate genes that slow cellular aging.

Olive Oil
Four decades ago, researchers from the Seven Countries Study concluded that the monounsaturated fats in olive oil were largely responsible for the low rates of heart disease and cancer on the Greek island of Crete. Now we know that olive oil also contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that may help prevent age-related diseases.

In the 1970s, Soviet Georgia was rumored to have more centenarians per capita than any other country. Reports at the time claimed that the secret of their long lives was yogurt, a food ubiquitous in their diets. While the age-defying powers of yogurt never have been proved directly, yogurt is rich in calcium, which helps stave off osteoporosis and contains “good bacteria” that help maintain gut health and diminish the incidence of age-related intestinal illness.

Mrisho's Photography said...

Asante mdau kwa mchango wako wa makala, bila shaka itafaa na kunufaisha wengi, nitaifanyia kazi next week, tuendelee kutumiana michango kama hii.
